Hello there and welcome to Blockchain Moonshots! Thank you for stepping in.
What is Blockchain Moonshots?
Blockchain is a new technology that has the potential to rearrange society and it has already begun. In the opinion of the founders of the Blockchain Research Institute; IBM, Pepsi Co and FedEx. Blockchain will become the next best technological breakthrough after the invention of the internet.
Moonshots, in a technological contexts means pushing boundaries, going beyond what is possible, going 10X bigger while the world is trying to grow 10%, taking on seemingly unsolvable problems and imagining the big.
Together, Blockchain Moonshots means pushing boundaries, going beyond what is possible and imagining what can be achieved by leveraging blockchain technology. Remember, all great breakthroughs were once crazy ideas.
This site aims to publish news about startups and companies that are embracing this new technology and updates on trends related to it. It also aims to educate and create awareness about this technology, its potential and what it can do for our society.
It is my hope that every reader in this site comes away learning something new.